DALI officially AU/ NZ standard for lighting control
- On December 4, 2020
DALI is officially adopted as the first Australian / New Zealand standard for lighting control
The standard behind DALI, IEC 62386 Parts 101 to 304 have been adopted as a joint Australian New Zealand standards by the peak standerdisation body Standards Australia.
At time of publication AS/NZS 62386.101-304 are the only Australian standards for lighting control.
“Adoption as a local standard helps to provide the industry with the tools required to deliver smarter and more modern buildings with cross compatibility between vendors.
– Allan Organ, Australian member of IEC TC 34/WG 11
The Australian standards are available to purchase through the Standards Australia webstore here
What is DALI?
DALI is a lighting control standard defined under the European Standard IEC 62386 and now also for Australia and New Zealand. for controlling electronic ballasts, transformers, LED’s, emergency lights and exit signs. IEC stands for International Electrotechnical Commission and is a non-profit organization. DALI was designed to replace traditional 1-10 V analogue systems and proprietary digital systems such as DSI (Digital Serial Interface). At a maximum there can be 64 DALI devices on a single DALI line and it has a data baud rate of 1200 baud.
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