Spotlight: Intelligent Environments
- On February 2, 2021
Introducing our New Zealand distributor
A family business, Intelligent Environments, was established in 2007. Demand from customers has led to growth allowing them to offer zencontrol to all of New Zealand.
“An intelligent environment is one that responds intuitively to the needs of those using the space”
– Intelligent Environments
We spoke to Rebecca Melton, Operations Manager at IEL, to see what they have in store for lighting control in 2021s New Zealand:
“We are excited that DALI has now been adopted as the official standard for lighting control in Australia and New Zealand. This year we believe the very real benefits of DALI-2 as a control system will gain traction and with more emphasis on healthy buildings an IoT system that can provide real time analytics will be much in demand.” – said Rebecca when prompted about her 2021 thoughts.
She followed up with relevant experiences from the year before that they will be bringing with them in the new year – “With critical sites such as hospitals, aged care facilities, etc. all trying to minimise visits by contractors in their attempt to protect patients or residents from risk of infection, zencontrol has been the ideal fit, when it comes to a control system. Not just during commissioning but being able to provide critical support from the Cloud is considered invaluable.
When the challenges 2020 posed in terms of COVID-19, we were enthusiastic about the ability to support our clients remotely. We had a number of projects in hospitals and other medical facilities that continued during lockdown as “essential works” and we were able to program and support these projects without the need to go to site.”
On a more general note, we were curious about IEL choice to partner with zencontrol? – “Once we saw what zencontrol had to offer and were given an insight into their innovative R&D program, partnering with this supplier became a ‘no brainer’. We have been able to offer the end-client so much more for their investment in a control system, with guarantees around future proofing and security.”
Any particular zencontrol products that speak to you and why? – “We think the zencontrol Room controller is a fantastic product. It provides a simple plug-and-play DALI-2 installation, that is suitable for small single room solutions, or even much larger, more complex projects. The electrical contractors love the simplicity of an easy “plug it in and it works” solution.”
Another person to look out for is Nikki Harris, Manager/Director at IEL. She is passionate about lighting control, you can read more from Nikki on Linkedin where she regularly shares relevant industry news such as “Assisting NZ Building owners during COVID-19″ and ““DALI compliant” – Is that really enough?”.
Get in touch:
Got a NZ project? The team at IEL look forward to hearing from you:
Wellington: +64(4) 974-8086
Christchurch: +64(3) 281-7672
a: 485C Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Auckland 1026, New Zealand
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Spotlight: zencontrol distributors
Here at zencontrol we are proud of our constant growth and want to take the opportunity to shine a spotlight on our wonderful distributors. That is why we’re dedicating some time to introducing them in a series of news posts, so keep an eye out for more.